HomeSearch by PurposeConnecting to the TCP/IP Environment

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Connecting to the TCP/IP Environment

To assign the IPv4 address to this machine ([IPv4 Settings])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [TCP/IP Settings]
          • [IPv4 Settings]

Assign an IP address (IPv4) to this machine.



[IP Application Method]

Select the method to assign the IP address to this machine according to your environment.

[Auto Input] is specified by default.

[Manual Input]

Assign the fixed IP address to this machine.

Enter the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

[Auto Input]

Automatically assigns the IP address using DHCP or other protocols. Tapping [Auto Input] allows you to select an Auto Input option.

  • [DHCP Settings]: [ON] is specified by default.

  • [BOOTP Settings]: [OFF] is specified by default.

  • [ARP/PING Settings]: [ON] is specified by default.

  • [AUTO IP Settings]: [ON] is specified by default.

To assign the IPv6 address to this machine ([IPv6 Settings])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [TCP/IP Settings]
          • [IPv6 Settings]

Assign an IP address (IPv6) to this machine.




Select whether to use IPv6.

[ON] is specified by default.

[Auto IPv6 Setting]

Select whether to automatically assign the IPv6 global address of this machine.

[ON] is specified by default.


Automatically assigns the IPv6 global address based on the prefix length notified from the router and the MAC address of this machine.


Allows you to manually assign the IPv6 global address.

  • [Global Address]: Enter the IPv6 global address.

  • [Gateway Address]: Enter the gateway address.

  • [Link-Local Address]: Displays the link-local address that is automatically specified from the MAC address of this machine.

[DHCPv6 Setting]

Select whether to automatically assign the IPv6 global address using DHCPv6.

[ON] is specified by default.

To register the host name of this machine ([DNS Host])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [TCP/IP Settings]
          • [DNS Host]

When connecting to this machine using the host name on the DNS server environment, register the host name of this machine.



[DNS Host Name]

Enter the host name of this machine (using up to 63 characters).

If your DNS server does not support the Dynamic DNS function, register the host name of this machine on the DNS server.

[Dynamic DNS Setting]

Select whether to enable the Dynamic DNS function.

When your DNS server supports the Dynamic DNS function, the specified host name can be automatically registered on the DNS server or changes can be automatically updated as long as [Enable] is selected.

[Disable] is specified by default.

To register the name of the domain this machine joins ([DNS Domain])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [TCP/IP Settings]
          • [DNS Domain]

Register the name of a domain this machine joins.



[Domain Name Auto Retrieval]

When using the DHCP or other protocols, select whether to automatically retrieve the domain name.

[Enable] is specified by default.

[Search Domain Name Auto Retrieval]

When using the DHCP or other protocols, select whether to automatically retrieve the search domain name.

[Enable] is specified by default.

[Default DNS Domain Name]

When not automatically retrieving the default domain name, enter the default domain name of this machine (using up to 253 bytes, including the host name).

[DNS Search Domain Name 1] to [DNS Search Domain Name 3]

When not automatically retrieving the search domain name, select a number to be registered, and enter the search domain name (using up to 251 characters).

To register the IPv4 address of the DNS server for this machine ([DNS Server Settings (IPv4)])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [TCP/IP Settings]
          • [DNS Server Settings (IPv4)]

To resolve the name using the host name when accessing a computer or server on the network from this machine, register your DNS server address (IPv4) on this machine.



[DNS Server Auto Obtain]

Select whether to automatically obtain the address of the DNS server.

[Enable] is specified by default.

[Primary DNS Server]

Enter the address of your primary DNS server.

[Secondary DNS Server 1] or [Secondary DNS Server 2]

When using multiple DNS servers, select a number to be registered, and enter the address of your secondary DNS server.

To register the IPv6 address of the DNS server for this machine ([DNS Server Settings (IPv6)])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [TCP/IP Settings]
          • [DNS Server Settings (IPv6)]

To resolve the name using the host name when accessing a computer or server on the network from this machine, register your DNS server address (IPv6) on this machine.



[DNS Server Auto Obtain]

Select whether to automatically obtain the address of the DNS server.

When using DHCPv6, the DNS server address can be specified automatically.

[Enable] is specified by default.

[Primary DNS Server]

Enter the address of your primary DNS server.

[Secondary DNS Server 1] or [Secondary DNS Server 2]

When using multiple DNS servers, select a number to be registered, and enter the address of your secondary DNS server.

To specify whether to enable LLMNR ([LLMNR Setting])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [TCP/IP Settings]
          • [LLMNR Setting]

Select whether to use LLMNR (Link-local Multicast Name Resolution).

Using LLMNR enables you to resolve the name even in an environment with no DNS server. This function is supported by the computer loaded with Windows Vista or later (Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/Server 2008/Server 2008 R2/Server 2012/Server 2012 R2). It is useful to resolve the name in the IPv6 environment.

[Enable] is specified by default.

To send the ping command and confirm the connection ([PING Confirmation])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [Detail Settings]
          • [PING Confirmation]

Configure settings to send a ping to the device communicating with this machine to check that the connection has been set up correctly.



[PING TX Address]

Enter the address used to send a ping.

Use one of the following formats.

  • Example of host name entry: ""

  • Example of IP address (IPv4) entry: ""

  • Example of IP address (IPv6) entry: "fe80::220:6b.:fe10:2f16"

[Check Connection]

Send a ping to check that this machine has been correctly connected.

To set up a network interface configuration when adding a network interface ([Network I/F Configuration])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [Network I/F Configuration]

To add a network interface to this machine, set a network interface configuration.

  • [Wired Only]: Select this option to use this machine only in the wired LAN environment.

  • [Wireless Only]: Select this option to use this machine only in the wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a wireless LAN adapter in the wireless LAN environment.

  • [Wired + Wireless (Secondary Mode)]: Select this option to use this machine in both the wired LAN environment and wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a wireless LAN adapter in the wireless LAN environment.

  • [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)]: Select this option to use this machine in both the wired LAN environment and wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a wireless LAN access point in the wireless LAN environment.

  • [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)]: Select this option to use this machine in both the wired LAN environment and wireless LAN environment. This machine runs as a Wi-Fi Direct group owner in the wireless LAN environment.

[Wired Only] is specified by default.

  • This function is available when the optional Wireless LAN Interface Kit and Local Interface Kit are installed in this machine.

To configure a setting for connecting this machine to a wireless network environment ([Wireless Network Setting])

To display:
  • [Utility]
    • [Administrator Settings]
      • [Network Settings]
        • [Wireless Network Setting]

Configure settings to use this machine as a wireless LAN access point or wireless LAN adapter.

If [Wireless Only] or [Wired + Wireless (Secondary Mode)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], run this machine as a wireless LAN adapter, and configure settings to connect to the access point you are using.



[Awake from ErP]

Select the method to return the machine from the ErP Auto Power Off mode.

  • [OFF]: The machine is not returned from the ErP Auto Power Off mode.

  • [Awake with Magic Packet]: The machine returns from the ErP Auto Power Off mode when receiving a magic packet.

  • [Awake with ARP + Unicast Communication]: The machine returns from the ErP Auto Power Off mode when receiving a unicast communication packet.

[Awake with Magic Packet] is specified by default.

[Easy Setting (WPS)]

Configure a setting to automatically obtain connection information from an access point.

The access point must support the WPS function.

  • [Push Button Method]: Select [Push Button Method], and tap [Start Operation] to try a connection with an access point.
    If you press the WPS setting button at the access point, settings such as SSID and security required for a connection are configured automatically.

  • [PIN Method]: Select [PIN Method], and tap [Start Operation] to display the PIN code.
    If you enter the displayed PIN code at the access point, settings such as SSID and security required for a connection are configured automatically.
    This function requires a computer that contains Windows 7 or later as the operating system.

[Manual Setting]

Manually configure settings items such as SSID and the encryption scheme that are required for a connection.

  • [SSID]: Enter the SSID of the wireless LAN access point connected to the machine (using up to 32 characters).

  • [40 to 20 MHz Auto Switch]: Select [ON] to try a high-speed communication with 40MHz. [OFF] is specified by default.

  • [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm]: Select the algorithm used for authentication or encryption.
    If [WEP] is selected, specify [Key Input Method] and [WEP Key]. To specify multiple WEP keys, select the required WEP keys in [Use key settings].
    If an algorithm other than WEP is selected, specify [Key Input Method] and [Passphrase].

[Connection Status]

Allows you to check the access point connected to this machine, the radio field intensity of the access point, and the current communication speed.

[Device Setting]

Allows you to check the MAC address of the wireless network adapter.

If [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)] or [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], configure settings to use this machine as a wireless LAN access point.



[Awake from ErP]

Select the method to return the machine from the ErP Auto Power Off mode.

  • [OFF]: The machine is not returned from the ErP Auto Power Off mode.

  • [Awake with Magic Packet]: The machine returns from the ErP Auto Power Off mode when receiving a magic packet.

  • [Awake with ARP + Unicast Communication]: The machine returns from the ErP Auto Power Off mode when receiving a unicast communication packet.

[Awake with Magic Packet] is specified by default.

[AP Mode Setting]

Manually configure settings to use this machine as a wireless LAN access point.

  • [SSID]: Enter the SSID of this machine (using up to 32 bytes). When [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], the SSID of the access point is used. When [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], the SSID for Wi-Fi Direct connection is used. The SSID specified here is displayed on the Wi-Fi Direct (setting) screen of the terminal compatible with Wi-Fi Direct. If you cannot connect to this machine by specifying the SSID on the Wi-Fi Direct (setting) screen, specify [Virtual SSID] on the Wi-Fi (setting) screen to make a connection.

  • [40 to 20 MHz Auto Switch]: Select [ON] to try a high-speed communication with 40MHz. [OFF] is specified by default.

  • [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm]: Select the algorithm used for authentication or encryption. [No Authentication/Encryption] is specified by default.

  • Specify [Key Input Method] and [WEP Key] when [WEP] is selected in [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm]. To specify multiple WEP keys, select the required WEP keys in [Use key settings]. When [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration], [WEP] is not available.

  • When an algorithm other than [WEP] or [No Authentication/Encryption] is selected in [Authentication/Encryption Algorithm], specify [Key Input Method] and [Passphrase]. Also, specify whether to automatically update the passphrase in [Passphrase Auto Update]. To automatically update the passphrase, enter its update interval.

[Wireless Channel]

Set a wireless channel to be used by the access point.

Selecting [Auto] searches for a channel that is not being used for other access points, and automatically assigns it to the access point.

[Auto] is specified by default.

[ANY Connection]

Select whether to allow ANY connection.

If [Restrict] is selected, the SSID cannot be detected automatically as an access point in the wireless LAN adapter side.

[Allow] is specified by default.

This option is displayed only when [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration].

[MAC Address Filtering]

Restricts wireless LAN adapters that can be connected to the access point using the MAC address.

Enter the MAC addresses of wireless LAN adapters that can be connected to the access point. MAC addresses of up to 16 devices can be registered.

This option is displayed only when [Wired + Wireless (Primary Mode)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration].

[DHCP Server Settings]

Configure a setting to use the DHCP server function. In general use, DHCP server settings are required.

  • [Enable Settings]: Select whether to enable the DHCP server function. [Disable] is specified by default.

  • [IPv4 lease address]: Specify the range of IPv4 addresses to be leased from the DHCP server when enabling the DHCP server function.

  • [Subnet Mask]: Specify the subnet mask of the IPv4 address to be leased from the DHCP server when enabling the DHCP server function.

  • [Lease period]: Specify the lease period of the IPv4 address to be leased from the DHCP server when enabling the DHCP server function.

[No.of Concurrent Devices Allowed]

Enter the number of devices that can be connected simultaneously to the access point.

[5] devices is specified by default.

[Signal Strength Setting]

Select the radio field intensity of the access point from three levels (Low, Middle, and High).

[High] is specified by default.

[Device Setting]

Allows you to check the MAC address of the wireless network adapter.

[Display Connected Devices]

Displays a list of names and MAC addresses of wireless LAN adapters that are connected to the access point.

[Virtual SSID]

Displays the automatically generated virtual SSID.

This option is available when a terminal incompatible with Wi-Fi Direct is connected to this machine.

A virtual SSID is displayed on the Wi-Fi (setting) screen of a terminal incompatible with Wi-Fi Direct.

The virtual SSID is displayed with "DIRECT-XXXXXX" ("XXXXXX" indicates a combination of the random alphanumeric characters and the specified value of [SSID]).

This option is displayed when [Wired + Wireless (Wi-Fi Direct)] is selected in [Network I/F Configuration].

  • For details on the Wi-Fi Direct connection method, refer to the user's manual of your terminal.